The euphoria of seeing Sister Act 2 for the first time, surviving the streets of Coventry in his NafNaf jacket and the lonely aisles of Hobbycraft, this is the electric, funny and raw autobiographical debut by Declan Bennett.
Declan takes us on a journey into the messy and turbulent world of toxic masculinity, homophobia and men’s mental health; confronting his Catholic school days in Coventry, discovering the Gay scene in 90’s Soho and surviving the harsh bright lights of New York City.
This is the story of a man in desperate search of identity and sanity who, when confronted with the unexpected isolation of the Oxfordshire countryside, is forced to fight the demons of his past and come face to
face with the Boy Out The City.
Following success at Edinburgh Fringe and on London’s West End, Declan tours his one person show throughout the UK this spring.
“This is invigorating theatre and one of the best one-man shows out there“.
Boyz Magazine
“Bennett is an outstanding actor and a master of words”.
London Theatre Review
“Boy Out The City is vibrant, funny and harrowing all at the same time. Make sure to catch it”.
Theatre & Tonic